Classic Norway Hotels
Cheddar, bacon, aioli, tomato, lettuce, bistro fries, and brioche bun
1, 2 (wheat), 9, 11, 13, and 15
Inspired by Danish seaside hotels. This is a classic! Fried plaice, served on Danish rye bread, remoulade, and salad. Garnished with cucumber from Hesnes, lemon, shrimp, and asparagus.
2 (wheat, rye, and seeds), 5, 6, 9, 11, 13
Cured sausage, Manchego cheese, green olives, good bread, and aioli.
1, 2 (wheat, barley, emmer), 11, and 13
1, 2 (wheat), 9, 11, 13, and 15
11, 3 (hazelnuts and pistachio), and citrus
1 milk, 2 gluten, 3 nuts, 4 soy, 5 fish, 6 shellfish, 7 mollusks, 8 celery, 9 mustard, 10 sesame seeds, 11 eggs, 12 lupin, 13 citrus, 14 peanuts, 15 sulfur dioxide and sulfites